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Messages - Levon

Pages: [1]
Hello there, I have these plates , tablets dont know what they are, I got them from my grandpa's grandpa, they are well over 100 years old, and are antiques I would like to know what they are and about how much they are worth.

The silver looking one with the angel on it, I have found out some information on it, During the olmypics that happened in Greece about 140 years ago, as a reward to one of the winners they had made this stone for her. On the top right it says Greek Olympics in greek, and on the left side it says the name of the winner, Niki (cant read her last name) in greek also. I am guessing this was the reward they gave her, or it might have been a replica made, I dont know thats why I would like to know if anybody knows anything about these.

I also have another plate it looks like they it is made from bronze, I dont know if it was hand crafted or not, but I beleave the one with the cow on it was from the Byzantine Empire I am not sure, If you have any information on them please let me know.

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