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Messages - terinaham

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / tea set
« on: March 08, 2004, 06:57:46 pm »
I am very new here.
My mother-in-law has a tea set that is all golden (mix of smooth and textured) except for the bottom and inside is white porcelin? On the bottom in gold and on different pieces it  says 22 or 24 karat gold with the words NO. (number) then a number. I believe each piece is a different number, also. That part is like it was done with a tool before it was kilned, or whatever they do to them.
It does not have an origin and I am not sure how far back it goes in her family, I just know it belonged to her mother.
Can anyone please give me any information even if it is just a guess. I've been all around internet with no results.
Thanks in advance,

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