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Messages - brad

Pages: [1]
I am trying to identify the maker of these two matching porcelain wall hangings: the maker's mark must be somewhere on the back of the oval plaques.
The pictures were taken with a cell phone and really don't do the works justice. Both plaques are oval, each depicting a couple in Spring pseudo-Roman garb. The porcelain itself is matte, and the colours are very delicate with accents of 24 carat gold.
The matting is an olive-y green, stuffed velvet and the frame is fairly simple. I doubt that the pieces are very old- perhaps late Victorian or following. Any information leading to the identity of the manufacturer or date of the pieces would be greatly appreciated!

Antique Questions Forum / Impressionist painting of unknown origin
« on: November 06, 2008, 02:09:41 pm »
I am trying to identify the artist of this lovely, original oil painting. The painting is quite large- about 3' x 2' and is painted in the Impressionist style. It is possibly a Moorish, or Mexican theme and the artists name is painted on the lower left: I have been unable to identify it, I was hoping someone might recognise the artist.
I have attached three picture- the third is a close-up of the artists signature.

Antique Questions Forum / Meissen Rococo vase?
« on: November 03, 2008, 11:29:50 am »
My mother has what I believe to be a Meissen reticulated porcelian vase (or incense burner?) in the Rococo style. It is approximately 24" plus tall and appears to have been made in four pieces: the base, middle, lid and cherub look as if they were all fashioned separately and later attached to form the piece.
The lid is removable and because of the open lattice work on the body of the vase and the fact that the cherub (putti) is holding a bellows and has his cheeks puffed out as if he were blowing a flame I thought it might be some sort of overgrown incense burner (or if I we were really fortunate, one of Kaendler's fire vases!!).

It is very heavy, and has an original, faded gold export circle that reads "The British Antique Dealers' Assocition for customs purposes PNLY/certified over 100 years old" on the shoulder of the vase. There is a Meissen mark on the bottom of the base (see attached photo) and the inside of the lid is hand-inscribed with a number 1021 (which was done prior to firing and glazing). My mother was given the vase as a gift and it has been in her possesion for at least 35 years. I am not sure how long the prior owner had it in Canada but given the export sticker plus the 35 years that my mother has owned it, it can't date to any sooner than 1873 and is most likely at least 30 years older.

The cherub so much resembles some of the Kaendler figurines that I am sure ths is no imitation. The cherub's eyes are a very clear, piercing gray and have a slight cant (which doesn't show in the photo) much like some of the early Meissen figures.

I definately don't think that it is made by Kaendler as the colouring is very indicative of 19th century stuff- however, I am starting to believe it may have been made a little later under the style influences of Leuteritz- especially because of the Rococo inflence.

At any rate, it certainly is an interesting piece- I have been searching the internet for something similar item but have not found anything remotely reminescent. Has anyone seen a similar piece? I thought it might be an incense burner, but it seems much too large and heavy- plus (unless there was once some kind of hanger) it would be very difficult to put incense inside and light it. Any ideas what it could be?   

Does anyone know a reputable antique dealer in the Vancouver area who might be able to positively identify this piece?

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