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Messages - pastpal

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique ebay picture
« on: November 24, 2008, 02:18:46 pm »
I emailed the seller and they told me it was definately a wood frame. There is a decorative feature around the edge of the frame and they were unsure if that was plaster or wood as it was painted but the frame and backing were all wood. So, that's a plus.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique ebay picture
« on: November 24, 2008, 12:16:33 pm »
 :D People are funny aren't they?

I thought it was a good price too. It does look like the frame has been painted but I suppose it can be refinished. I've never been a fan of painting furniture.

Antique Questions Forum / Antique ebay picture
« on: November 24, 2008, 11:43:17 am »
Wanted to first say hello as I am new here. Been collecting antiques for awhile basically by my family giving them to me when they are no longer wanted so I am a complete newbie to any of this. So I thought I would join a forum and gather information by reading and posting. So, that's my story in a small nutshell  :)

The question I have is about a value of an ebay auction. I was cruising ebay over the weekend and noticed a really nice antique picture with convex glass. I love these kind of pictures. I do see them often in antique stores but the are usually small or tabletop varieties and they sell them for, in my opinion, a high price. This particular picture is a large one, hangs on the wall and states they think it's from around 1890's. Of course, it says it's haunted but outside of that it is a really nice picture. I don't believe in that stuff anyway.

My question is, the price they have is $ that a good price? What would a picture sell for normally of that size? It states it's 18"width and 24"length which is a pretty big picture I am thinking for this type of glass.

I don't want to post a link as I don't want to go against any rules but it is a current auction over on ebay. Can't remember when it ends. I think I typed in antique photo.

Any help would be appreciated.

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