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Messages - TrashDigginTreasureFinder

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Okay cool! Thank you once again!

Thank You! Do you by any chance know what year it was made?
Also, I read a little bit more about the Hall China Company last night and found some information pertaining to the markings or the stamp on the bottom. This stamp looks different from other items from Hall that I've seen, do you know the difference between the various stamps and what they might tell us? Thanks Again! I appreciate the help!

Hello Everyone!

First of all, I hope that I am posting correctly. I have never done the whole Message Boards/Forums/Bulletin Boards thing so please bare with me as I learn.

Okay, well I am basically just looking for some help with an item that I found today while helping a friend of mine move into a new house. We had to move a ton of "junk" out of the house that the previous owner left behind. In the kitchen I found what looked to be an antique coffee or tea pitcher (?). There are two pieces, the pitcher also has a stand with a candle holder in the middle to obviously serve as a warmer.

I have done a little bit of digging around on the web and have found a few sites that seem to be pointing me in the right direction.

I believe that this piece was made (or sold) by Hall China Company. It appears that the designer of this particular piece was Ernest Sohn but I am not certain of this.
If anyone is able to help educate me on this item I would greatly appreciate it! I am also curious to find out if it is a collectible, and what the value of this might be.

Like I said....I am new at all of this, but I am going to attempt to attach a picture of it on here as well. Thank you in advance for any information you can provide me with on this!!


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