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Messages - CaityF

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Bergman bronze music box
« on: December 31, 2008, 02:41:30 pm »
I have to comment that your piece is almost breathtaking in the detail and beauty!  What a real treasure - family value and, secondly, monetarily!

Thank you!  My grandmother let us each pick something to keep for ourselves before she moved into a nursing home.  Sitting in her lap while she played the music box for me is one of my favorite childhood memories.  Of course, I had no idea of its value, but I can't imagine ever parting with it, no matter the value.  She never could recall how my grandfather came across it, and they're both gone now.  My own daughter loves it now just as much as I did when I was young, so I'm hoping it will stay in the family for many, many years.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Bergman bronze music box
« on: December 30, 2008, 08:56:52 pm »
Here are a few pictures I took this afternoon.  I can't get a decent picture of the signature.  It's in the last picture, bottom of the back corner.  It says NamGreb and has the urn with what looks like an "B" carved in it.

Antique Questions Forum / Bergman bronze music box
« on: December 30, 2008, 12:58:14 pm »
I have a bronze music box by Bergman, but the only other Bergman bronzes I've ever found info on have all been statues.  This was an anniversary gift to my grandmother from my grandfather.  The bronze figure is of an old mill with a water wheel that turns when the music plays.  It comes with a key to wind it up.  There is a small lever on the back.  When you pull it, the music box plays a song and clicks off when the song ends.  When you pull it a second time, the music box plays a different song and again clicks off when the song ends.  It's a beautiful piece and I've always been fascinated by its uniqueness.  I'm just wondering if anyone has any information about other Bergman music boxes or can tell me something about the one I have.

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