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Messages - beamer68

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Antique Questions Forum / cane handle
« on: January 14, 2009, 01:37:10 am »
I have been told i have found an old cane handle which is made from what looks like a tooth.
I believe it is made in the late 1800's and is gilded in "solid silver" as it is inscribed on the edge of the end cap. On the end, is the name "J. Clarkson" and then "Toronto" underneath. It also has ....."pat. Jan 5 - 8?" .....inscribed on it.
Assuming 1880's?. Cannot find a makers mark. Don't know what to look for anyways.
It is not whale, and the antique dealers I have shown it to, say it is close to elephant ivory but yet a little different. Something they have not seen before. I have seen a similar carving on the internet but not nearly as well done and no solid silver overlay.
I then talked to an old ivory collector who said, without a doubt, it was a "cat tooth". He said it was from a "dead cat" that was partially buried in the ground. Because of the bleaching from the sun on one side which was probably just above the ground. The rest is darker and he said it was because it was under the ground for a long period of time. Does this sound possible?
If this were true, would it be possibly from a  "saber tooth tiger"? Prehistoric tiger? Too big for a current tiger from what I have read on the internet. It is about 51/2" long and has been cut on both ends which would estimate it around 7" long minimum.
I have included a couple of pictures of the handle. If you can direct me to the right people or place, that would be great. I have tried the Glenbow, Terrell and Royal Alberta Museums. They suggested someone in the field of Mammology. No luck so far there either.

I look forward to hearing from you. I have been working on this since March 10 2008 and cannot get a solid  answer. A lot of confusion from the shows I have gone to where people do this for a living. I think this is something very special. Just need to find the person with the right knowledge.

Thanks in advance:
Kevin B

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