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Messages - wildkat68

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the rev. # in the lower left hand corner says 5/77 does this mean it was made in 1977?

I added pics does anyone have an idea about why I cant find anything on this model number now?  I know the pics arent the greatest but it is packed in my garage with my dads belongings I can move it out and try to take better pics if need be but you kind of get the idea from the pics I got I think..

I have recently inherited a grandfather clock from my fathers estate and when looking at the back of it there is a sticker that says it is made by the Howard Miller Clock Company it is Model # 610 110  it also says it is a #577 triple chime??  I have searched for hours on the internet for a value on this clock and have found every model # BUT this one??  Does anyone know what the value of this clock is?  It is in very nice condition but other than that I dont know much about it   ???

Sorry I didnt have pics at the time it is kind of buried in my garage with the rest of my dads stuff .. I took the best pics I could in the tight space it is in..

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