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Messages - devin87

Pages: [1]
[Thanx ya'll for your help on these pieces... So I pry should go cancel that car I ordered?? LOL!! have a great day!![/color]

I really can't understand why they would give away something in the 30's when they were pat. in 1917??? Also why would they put GMCo on the fork instead of  Betty Crocker... Also they have the Anchor Hocking logo or something very similar to that... You know the anchor in the shield or whatever that is??? And also they are tarnished pretty bad to be electro-plated. I just need to take them to a jeweler I guess... I really enjoy the comments and answers I am receiving. As a fresh face to the antique world this is very entertaining!!! Thanks for all correspondence.. Devin


Here are some links to the photos of the forks...Hope these help....

Thanks for any help that you may be able to give to me. ( P.S. These forks have not been polished!!!)

Does anyone out there know anything about these items?? And how much would they be worth??

                                 Thank you very much Devin

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