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Messages - reber13

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Blue Antique Plates Advice Please
« on: February 27, 2009, 02:20:43 pm »
Thank you for your advice KC. Luckily I am not too distraught financially. I will most likely try to catalog all my plates and sell the ones I don't value as much. Actually I have been trying to save up for a new electric guitar for sometime now and selling 5-6 plates should put me over the top  ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Blue Antique Plates Advice Please
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:09:43 am »
I do remember seeing a few calendar plates in my collection though I am not positive how old they are. It's been a while since I have went through every plate. The majority of my collection are blue plates or shallow bowls involving some history of America i.e. Places and people of interest. I will keep an extra eye out thanks.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Blue Antique Plates Advice Please
« on: February 27, 2009, 12:50:40 am »
Thank you both for the very nice and thoughtful responses. I have actually been sitting on these plates for about 4-5 years now. I am no hurry other then to get the 4 large bins out of my room  :P 

I will take my time and catalog them each individually before selling or saving. My grandfather loved collecting things, he was a bit of a miser. You know the guy who has 12 coffee cans of change upstairs and 80 packages of toilet paper and batteries in the basement heh.

I will consider buying a book or two. And if need be post back on this site. I was a little overwhelmed by the whole ordeal but feel much more focused now.

Thanks greatly for your insight and time.

Antique Questions Forum / Blue Antique Plates Advice Please
« on: February 26, 2009, 06:39:28 pm »
Hello, I have recently been charged with the task of selling my grandfather's old plate collection. My mother received about 90-120 blue antique plates after his death. Alot of the plates are Rowland and Marcellus some Wedgewood. Here is a link to one of the plates I have.

Now I realize the price range for selling these plates lands somewhere in the $20-$50 range, the question I have is more about where. Since all of you friendly people have loads of experience I thought I would ask what would be the best way to go about selling them. Should I visit a few antique dealers and get them appraised individually? or should I try and sell them all as a package auction on EBay?

I have a decent amount of free time so I wouldn't mind taking my time with them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance Justin

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