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Messages - chigato

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: antique hockey lamp ,anyone ?????
« on: May 15, 2014, 12:48:02 pm »
Baby needs a new pair of shoes. Yes definitely ebay and a big thank you to all of you. Everyone whose seen it wanted to buy it, and at an attractive offer. It makes me wonder, and there's only one easy way to find out. I wish she was still alive so that I could ask her about it. I was installing some glass block windows in her basement and saw it sitting in a corner forgotten. I asked her about it and she said, that old thing ? Do you like it ? Yes. You can have it ! Thanks ! She lived very sparingly and only remodeled the house once in the early 50's. No kids. very frugile. When she passed a surviving nephew of her husband inherited. After speaking with the realtor later on I was told that she had over 1 million dollars in a bank account. I would of never guessed.

Antique Questions Forum / antique hockey lamp ,anyone ?????
« on: May 14, 2014, 08:42:38 am »
Hi, I received this as a gift from a 96 year old neighbor from Sweden about 10 years ago. I just hung on to it because I've never seen anything like it. It's cast iron and weighs a ton.  Has anyone ever seen a lamp like this  or knows more about it ? As always, much thanks.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: unidentifiable hallmark..Japanese ???
« on: July 21, 2013, 12:37:57 pm »
The hallmark looks like a Chinese junk or some other oriental boat. Also, the shape of the handle is that a german one on ebay. ????? I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. This is the 1st one I've ever had and when I found it I didn't even know what it was. The cardboard blotter that was on it had a little ink on it so that kind of explained it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: unidentifiable hallmark..Japanese ???
« on: July 21, 2013, 10:03:00 am »
let's see if this works.

Antique Questions Forum / unidentifiable hallmark..Japanese ???
« on: July 20, 2013, 04:28:14 pm »
Hi, I have a silver rolling ink blotter and was wondering if any one knows whose mark this is. I searched online for Japanese but couldn't really find anything, and wouldn't know where to begin either.
I think it's Victorian . The scene on it looks Japanese. I'll post a pic. Any input would be great. And as always, a big Thank You.

Unrestored condition is an overstatement. Well, it's mine now. Thanks for your interest.

Yes ,it's pretty distressed. I don't know much about it except that it came from a collectors estate. I do believe it is well over 100 yrs. old. I was hoping someone out there knows who,where, when and what it is.

You can just click on the link. Sorry I'm not a comoputer person.

ANY RUG FOLKS OUT THERE ? I need help with this one. For some reason I can't upload photos of this old rug. I'll try a link to photobucket. And once again, the kindness and generousity of your knowledge sharing is very much appreciated. Thank you.

You can view it as a slide show.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Lionel sewing machine
« on: August 22, 2012, 06:45:44 pm »

Antique Questions Forum / Re: frames that look like a cage.
« on: August 16, 2012, 05:10:28 pm »
I TRIED LOOKING ON EBAY FOR THE ORIGINAL POSTERS BUT HAVEN'T FOUND ANY YET. The lighter area on the side of the frame is where I scrubbed a bit more vigorously and got the soot off. ( or went through the finish). Thanks for all your help. Now if I only can dig out that old Lionel sewing machine to get some pics of it. I can't find anything on that thing either.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: weekend pickin finds
« on: August 15, 2012, 01:27:03 pm »
If that cast iron stand has 2 neat equal holes in front, then I'd say it was part of a gas burner. They used to be in the basement laundry room and were used to heat tubs of water. The gas valves were in front and attached to 2 burners below the missing grate.

Antique Questions Forum / frames that look like a cage.
« on: August 15, 2012, 01:21:07 pm »
Hi, I don't know what happened but I don't see the post related to the pic I posted. So here it goes again. My friend was at an estate clean-out of an old building that is coming down on the northside of chicago. He salvaged 2 VERY old picture frames that look like cages. They were very sooty and we cleaned them the best we could. Unfortunately, one of them had a print in it , but it disintegrated. It was a print of a painting of a lion lying down. It looked like an image of a lion that was from the 1800's. Long curly locks. The frame is roughly 3' x 4' and is solid oak, including the fake hinges. There are copper tacks at the top and bottom of each bar, made to look like rivets. I've searched everywhere on the internet but can't find a thing about them . One collector said that it's not something that someone would have hung in their home. So we're thinking that perhaps they came from a zoo. Lincoln park zoo is not far away from here. Any help on these would be greatly appreciated. As always, Thank you all.

Antique Questions Forum / cage frame pics
« on: August 15, 2012, 01:10:07 pm »
Trying to post some pics. thanks

Antique Questions Forum / Lionel sewing machine
« on: August 03, 2012, 01:00:00 pm »
Hi everyone. I've tried to research this but to no avail. I can't find a thing on this old Lionel sewing machine that i found while cleaning out my garage. Has anyone ever heard of one ?  As always, thanks.

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