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Messages - awmartin

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / What's this plaque made of?
« on: January 24, 2012, 01:43:39 am »
Hi everyone, it's been some time since my last post, although here it goes.

 I have this plaque, although I have no idea as to what it's made of. When I bought it, the seller stated that it was made of pressed horn, which sounds plausible, although I haven't seen any other examples on the internet. My initial though was that this was made of some type of early plastic, although this seems to be too complex for that.

The plaque measures about 12 x 6 inches, and when held up to the light is slightly transparent in the lighter portions. Also, what you see on the on the top of the back is some sort of glue residue.

Anyone have any idea as to how old and what this plaque is made of?


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Painting
« on: October 07, 2009, 11:32:20 pm »
I believe that this painting is of Scaligero Castle, which is located on Lake Garda, Italy's largest lake. I believe that this painting does have some age because it shows the roof on the castle, which has since collapsed. This is what it looks like today:

Here is a similar painting that was done in 1918.

Thank you very much for all of the replies. Indeed this is a foot warmer, KC you were correct all along. Someone on a different forum guided me to a website that explained this as being a Napoleonic III foot warmer that was heated with "hot alcohol". 

Here is the link to the page:

Thanks again for the replies.

The dimensions are  8 x 6 x 2.5  inches, and it weighs 2 pounds.

Thank you KC for the reply. This does resemble a chauffeuse, although this particular one is heated by kerosene and not coals. Having said that, do you still think that this can be some sort of warmer, or possibly a heater/stove.

Thanks Again

Hello everyone, I have an interesting item that I purchased earlier today at a flea market, and am wondering if I can get some help in trying to date the item. I found what appeared to be a french lunchbox made entirely of copper, but upon closer inspection I had realized that it appeared to be some sort of portable stove. I have tried to research the company ( whose marking is on the back) and its approximate age, but I was not able to discover anything about it, except for some literal translations. 

On the front of the box it says:

   La Frileuse - “Sensitive to the cold”
   Marque depose  - “Registered trademark”
   Jechauffe sans danger  - “Caution when hot”

On the top of the box it says:

   Chauffeuse Cavaille - ?
   Brevete S.C.D.C. 25277 - “Patent 25277”
   La frileuse - ?

Also, I have not cleaned it because I thought that it looks more authentic with the soot. Do you recommend that I clean it? If so, how do you recommend is the best way to remove the patina that has formed on the front of it?

Thank you, and if you have any questions I can post more pictures or answer any questions that you may have.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: black & white frramed prints
« on: May 09, 2009, 11:21:42 am »
I did some research, and these prints are made by Lionel Barrymore. They are probably from the early 60s.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: What do you think of this jar?
« on: April 07, 2009, 09:59:48 am »
It does appear to  be a cookie jar. The top is removable. Here is a picture.

Antique Questions Forum / What do you think of this jar?
« on: April 06, 2009, 04:53:06 pm »
Hello, everyone I'm back. Yesterday I bought an interesting jar that appears to be handmade. At first I was hesitant to buy it, but eventually I talked myself into it. The only inscription are the initials "KM" on the bottom. I have done some research as to what KM might stand for, and have found Karl Martz, but he was not known for making ceramic pieces like this. Any information that you guys have would be very helpful.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Mysterious Antique Figurines?
« on: April 05, 2009, 06:03:54 pm »
Thank You very much for the information. I'm glad that I found this site. I won't be one of those 1 post people, and will try to contribute in the future in anyway that I can.

Antique Questions Forum / Mysterious Antique Figurines?
« on: April 04, 2009, 11:46:52 pm »
Hello everyone, this is my first post.  Just to introduce myself a little, I am a college student and have always been interested in collecting antiques. Lately I have buying random "antiques" from garage sales. A few weeks ago I found a pair of unique figurines that I thought were worth risking my eight dollars on.

The bird and the frog are in pretty good condition. The bird is in fantastic condition, and the frog is in good condition except for one of his eyes that have been damaged and since repaired.

I believe that both figures are made out of some sort of thick ceramic material which sounds like wood when you tap on it. There are no markings on either figurine. On the bottom of both is a single small round hole. I am wondering if by any chance you recognize the style of art that is on these figures that would be helpful in dating these.

These are links to pictures.


Frog  (more detailed)

Thank you for reading this and for any information that you may give me.

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