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Messages - tmbits

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Gold ring
« on: April 06, 2009, 09:29:51 am »
Very good point indeed...much like the one on my narrow minded head!!! Thanks for that! Sometimes we need to think a little out of the box!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Gold ring
« on: April 06, 2009, 07:50:03 am » I was at the post office and thought I should use their scale...since it's accurate to the point of breaking wind within 1 metre will cause it to change. The result was a dissapointing 5 grams! So bad news is, the gold won't net much, the good news is, it cost me nothing in the first place.
I think I will jold onto it and search for more histroy regarding the mystery.
I've researched a little about shipwrecks of the area where we found it and was surprised to find out that there indeed WERE several documented as far back as 1818!
They went down very close to shore from storms and running aground (Lake Ontario was very treacherous water apparantly) and that I'm not the only one too have found items along the shore that have washed up from storms stirring the remains, especially since this ring weighs so little it is entirely possible this DID happen.
I've gone from "hey maybe I can get that metal detector!" too "This is just plain fascinating I must know more!"

If anyone has any ideas who I might contact for more info about the symbol or history I would be very greatful.

Thanks so much for everyones input so far.

The Poor

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Gold ring
« on: April 06, 2009, 06:04:17 am »
Holy cow. I'm feeling slightly "a tingle" with all these replies! Thank you everyone for your input. I guess somethng I should do is weigh the darn thing. It's really quite small, it wouldn't fit on my pinky...but it most certainly appears to be a male style ring. I can't envision a sailer being that petite!
Thanks again for your input this is far more than I have gotten anywhere else. I hope I can in turn help someone else here!

Any more ideas on the meaning of the symbols would be great as well.

Thanks again!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Gold ring
« on: April 05, 2009, 05:22:00 pm »
Wow! Thanks very much for that...I'm guessing the soooo...translates into GOOD really am stunningly ignorant when it comes to this stuff...does it show? I would also guess the antiques factor would add value as well then.

Thanks everyone so much!

I really wish I knew the history on this ring. It always facinates me that at one time someone wore this ring.

Thanks again!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Gold ring
« on: April 05, 2009, 04:38:04 pm »
Thanks for that reply. I'm very excited to hear what others have to say about the value and history, specically the symbol and the inscription. I forgot to add that the one jeweler I took it to did mention that perhaps the numbers refered to the person that actually made the ring or possibly a method of weight and quality that was used wherever and whenever it came from.

Antique Questions Forum / Gold ring
« on: April 05, 2009, 03:39:29 pm »
Several years ago my wife and I found this ring while walking on the beach. We posted ads in several places and it was never claimed. When we took it to our local independant jewler his first reaction was wide eyed. He said "regardless of the gold quality this is very old!" he explained this by showing me that the entire thing was hand crafted including the inscription on the inside. He then tested the quality. I can't remember the karat number he gave (I'm rather ignorant about those things) but he said it's about the purest he's seen in a very long time.
He also stated clearly that regardless the value of the gold I should seek to know more about it as it did appear to have possible signifigance, being that it was found on a beach on Lake Ontario. Possible mariners symbols etc...
I also took it to our local Museum that did verify it's authenticity as "antique" but was unable to tell me anything about it, or the symbol on it.
I have since forwarded pictures to various museums, none of which were able to assist me...most gold dealers were very interested in paying me rapidly but giving no details...I assumed from the reaction that it was of more value than they wished to state.

I would be very greatful indeed if ANYONE could shed some light onto the history and the possible value of this item. If not then perhaps guide me to someone that might be able to help me further.

thanks very much for any help in advance!


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