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Messages - jenafer09

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Red vases
« on: July 03, 2009, 11:06:44 am »
Im sorry, the larger one is red with yellow at the top and the smaller one is orange with yellow at the top and on the bottom with the wexford type pattern (i think thats what its called anyway ??)  The larger one does not have a rough spot on the bottom, its smooth as far as I can tell.

Antique Questions Forum / Red vases
« on: July 01, 2009, 02:24:35 pm »
I have these 2 vases and have researched until my eyes wouldnt let me anymore. All I could find was a pic of one like the larger one of mine on a site for 265.00. It was Viking glass. I went to the viking site and couldnt find one there, and there was no specifications if viking glass had a mark or logo on it. I would like to know exactly who the maker is and what the value of the 2 could be. I may or may not want to keep them, depending on the value.

Antique Questions Forum / Need Help!
« on: May 07, 2009, 09:03:32 am »
I purchased a pair of silverplated candlesticks, each holds 3. The logo on bottom has... "eagle Wm Rogers star" then the number 316 underneath it. Ive done a little research, and found out that this mark was used by William hisself beginning in 1825 until he passed then his son gave the rights to a company to use it and they did until 1939. So from 1825-1939 this mark was used. I have searched everywhere possible for a price and I found a few on ebay. Just one candlestick was going for $50.00, One pair was going for $125.00, and the other pair was $229.99. I would love to know the price/value of these. I want to sell them but really dont know what to ask for. Also, I am curious to know what the 316 means also. You can email me at

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