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Messages - shanny

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Thank you guys so much...I took two hours looking for any kind of rogers silverplate company online today. and I couldn't find anything. So you're right when saying that they kind of really didn't exist as Rogers Silverplate co.  I would love any other info on them. I love my antiques and I am considering these a rare and great find. The detailed work on them made me go back and buy them. They weigh 2 pounds a piece, so i thought, candlestick by day, weapon by night if needed  :P
thanks so much for all  of you that have helped and continue to help me

I think that they must be duplicated from an older version from Barbour Repousse, because there is a vase on ebay that matches these, and they want 999.00 for it. However, the children and people that are on the candle sticks seem more dutch like then anything. Plus, there is a windmill. The tag that was on the candle holders when I purchased them, said French Repousse. Does anyone know what this means? I cannot seem to get a good pictures of the bottom, so that everyone can see it says Rogers Silverplate Co 1633.

The only thing on the bottom of both candle holders says Rogers Silverplate Co 1633. They are identical, so they are a set, i do know that much. I did look up the ebay auction that you listed and am so amazed that they match. Mine are about an inch shorter than that one, and the floral designs are a little bigger, but how would that be made from a different company than mine? I am so confused...Thanks for the help so far. I am going to try to find out somemore about them, but it is a very long process...

Hi, everyone, I just purchased these wonderful candlesticks at an antique flea market. I paid $30 for the set, but I would love to know more about them. I have spent the morning trying to find something out, but was unable to get any help at all. They are very unique and very heavy.  Each one is designed with people working, children playing, it has floral and homes on it. It is very detailed. Could anyone give me any ideas on the value or date? The bottoms say Rogers silverplate co 1633
thanks in advance for any help

Antique Questions Forum / Re: do you know?
« on: May 19, 2009, 06:02:48 pm »
Yes, I noticed that while they are similiar the bigger bowl is a different pattern from the candleholders. Thanks for all the info. I haven't been able to locate any other help. I would love to know the round about year and the value.  thanks shanny

Antique Questions Forum / Re: do you know?
« on: May 19, 2009, 06:36:08 am »
That is the picture of the one candle holder. And this is the picture of all three. thanks for any info on these items. Shanny P.S they are not cleaned up very well   :-\

I have made some head way with this piece that is vase like with crosses all over, pewter/silver color, and on the bottom it has Pewter Haugrud Norway # 306. I can't find this particular piece on any websites that claim to have the other pewter pieces. I would just like to know the date and value if possible. Not to sell, I love my antiques, and due to the passsing of my great aunt I got a few more. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks. Shanny

Antique Questions Forum / do you know?
« on: May 18, 2009, 08:15:45 pm »
Recently my great aunt passed away and I was left with a few of her trinkets. Her daughter says they are junk, but I would like to think they have some value. They are beautiful pieces. This is a three piece set, two candlestick holders and a large bowl made just the same as the candlestick holders, but larger. There is no data only what is on the bottom which has  L. & L. and the numbers 8273. I have researched and can not come up with anything. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.Shanny

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