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Messages - s34mu5

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Musket? Some kind of gun.
« on: May 21, 2009, 06:40:24 am »
Yeah it doesn't have any sights on it, I noticed that when I was holding it.

So you guys think it is from the 18th Century? and it's a Blunderbuss.

I live in Scotland and my Granda just had this lying locked in his gun cupboard and said he would never use it or is bothered if he sees it again.

If it is worth a lot I wouldn't mind selling it as it is not a family air loom but was given to us when someone was clearing out.

Do you guys have any idea of its value and where/how I would get it sold?

Thanks a lot for your help so far guys.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Musket? Some kind of gun.
« on: May 19, 2009, 04:32:46 pm »
I don't know it's maker...

I google the name and it happened to be the same name as some famous dead singer/artist guy.

I found on similar to it.

it's the one in the frame if this link works. 3rd from the bottom of the list.

Similar, but not the same.

And yeah I was surprised by the condition also. It is very good.

Thanks so far

Antique Questions Forum / Musket? Some kind of gun.
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:52:34 pm »
Hi all, new here as you can probably tell if post count is enabled (that's how new I am, I haven't even looked).

Anyway, I was at my grandparents tonight and asked my Granda what guns he had in his gun cupboard. He said he had one very old one that he was given from an old woman a long time ago. He said it could of been given to her husband.

He showed me it and it is some kind of flintlock - I remember studying them when I studied the Jacobites in Primary school. You pour the gunpowder in the top and push it down with the rod (which is underneath the barrel) then you put some on the lock piece and pull it back etc...

I tried it and it works very well, it still has a piece of flint still in it which sparks!

Here is a picture

Any ideas on where this has come from or how much it could be worth?

also to add,
Marking, it had 2 markings on the barrel that looked like a crown with 2 swords crossed below it
it also had a something written on the side which I have a picture off which I may upload it said "Fogelberg" - I think it is a name.
other than that there are no markings/writing from what I saw, but it is very well etched/decorated all over in the wood and the metal.

Thanks a lot to all responses

another pic

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