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Messages - opugnant

Pages: [1]
yeah, it's definitely a magazine rack too.

With pictures I might be able to locate it with less difficulty.
The company only lasted about sixty years.  It opened in 1899 and closed in 1959 if I have my dates in order.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Huntley Simmons bedroom Set
« on: June 25, 2009, 10:08:45 pm »
Huntley Furniture, if I'm not mistaken, was purchased by Simmons Co. in 1929.  They continued to ues the Huntley name until the early sixties, I believe, when it was sold to another company.

Antique Questions Forum / My grandmother sent me these pictures....
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:21:17 pm »
It's a smoking/humidor/pipe table that has been in the family since as long as she can remember, and she's about sixty.  It's been in her current house since the seventies.  

She asked me to find the history and worth on it, and I can't find it in any of my books.  I'm really swamped so I checked for a few hours on-line, but I couldn't come up with anything that looked like this one.  Any advice?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: i bought these sunday, any idea on age?
« on: June 24, 2009, 09:08:27 pm »
thank you guy so much.

i spent ten dollars on the set, and i wasn't really worried about spending the ten because i needed end tables for my craft room couch terribly bad. 
thank you for the information!

Antique Questions Forum / i bought these sunday, any idea on age?
« on: June 22, 2009, 09:52:32 pm »
they came in a set of two, and as seen have little lion knockers on the sides.   the lady was quite rude, so i don't press the history or estimated age.

they fit extremely well next to my couch in the family room, but i have no idea on it's age or actual worth.  any clues?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Blue Willow like platter - Help
« on: June 08, 2009, 12:30:27 am »
It's definitely looks like a John Turner Blue Willow pattern, but I've collected quite a few Blue Willow pieces and never came across a border so simplistic.  I wish I could be of some help.  I'd be very interstested in information on this piece as well.

I have no idea when this was bought.   I have no idea when it was made, or by who or what country.  I do know it stood in the corner for around thirty years, and I like the feet.

Any time placement, value, history, comments, or anything will help me tremendous.  It's the last piece I need to attempt to place.  Than I can go back to being a normal antiquing fool for myself.  :]

It was bought between 1962-1977 is the best I can do.

To give you an idea on age, they were made circa 1940's - 50's.  :]  KC gave you all the other information I had on the pieces.

Antique Questions Forum / can anybody help with this furniture set?
« on: June 06, 2009, 10:29:34 pm »
I've posted pictures, but that's about all the information I can give you to help me.

It's an entrance seat with storage, with matching mirror.  I've looked all day on-line, and just like the serving table I have come up blank.  I know it was bought and sold as a set and that's about it.

Any history, value, dating, movements, etc would all come in handy.

The fourth picture is a stamp.
Whatever the stamp that isn't numbers is, is also on the back of the chair but the number is "763."

Thank you so very much.

Pic makes it seem the Victorian Era.

Since you didn't say...have to ask....any markings on it at all?

How are joints put together?

it has no marks, which is the strange and difficult part.
i don't feel or see any screws or nails, so i would assume glued.

I have spent hours and hours looking for it, and I have no idea where to even start.  I'm wondering if anybody has any clue of the worth, the history, the time placement, or anything else.  It belonged to my Great Grandmother and I've had a difficult time placing this piece.   There's always one hard antique when ever I'm looking to place them.

Thanks in advance!

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