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Messages - junk250

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Hello,thanks !

It is too big for a cup,was definitely made for a bowl.

Would fit a 5" bowl.

I just noticed now,one of the flowers looks like a clover bloom.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: 1941 Esquire “Varga” calendar
« on: June 24, 2009, 12:10:37 am »
That's an awesome calender,

WWII PIN UP's all the way, I'd like to see the other 10 months.

ironlord1963 ,

Pottery like this is very hard to date because it has been made for a long time in the same manner in the united states.I've seen like pieces dated back to the civil war,and they made the same type of utensils in pottery much earlier in Europe .

Yellowware is what I refer to an early American(or European) "yellow clay" pottery object,could be glazed in colors or decorated in glaze.

ironlord1963 ,

Hello again, thanks for that, I was thinking maybe was the top half of an even prettier cup or bowl.

I'm thinking an orange juicer ?

Hello all,

I was lucky to find this today, appears to be pretty old and looks to be hand-painted with cobalt blue.

At first I thought it was transfer ware, but looks hand painted in glaze on closer inspection.

I would call it yelloware (or is it yellowware?) , I've never seen a strainer like this and would like to know if anyone recognizes the maker or anything else about the form or decoration or age ?

Its in good shape but with some staining/crazing and a couple of hair line cracks that's pretty common with this type/age of pottery.

Its 5 1/2" wide by 1 1/2" tall,never seen one like it.

A pretty sweet piece of pottery I think, you ?

Thanks for any info/opinion you can give.

regularjoe2 ,

Mokugyo, well that's interesting,that's what they are alright. Looks like they are not particularly valuable, might bring 75.00-100.00 for the pair. I saw several just like them for sale on Google.

Just goes to show you never know what you might find shopping a thrift store !

Thanks again everyone,

ironlord1963 ,

When you said that, I looked at them again and there is a definate "pattern" to the paint that's's so obvious now, they are drums !

I'll post another pic soon that confirms your identification.

Now I'm getting exited about them, coolest drums ever ?

I looked at the label again,and I think when I read "made in" I assumed Japan,the label is torn and worn to no ink. I'm thinking now it is Hawaiian maybe(the pine cones are Pineapples ?), wow.

Thanks a Bunch !!!


I just found these today at a thrift and need some help...what the heck are they?

The girl that checked me out looked at them for a minute and said "what are they",you should have seen the look on her face when I said "I don't have a clue".

Anyway I haven't the slightest idea what they are,what I do know is there is a small label that says "made in Japan" so I would guess 1950's-60's but could be much older I guess. They are hand carved from a solid piece of wood and are hollowed out inside with a chisel or something and there is a strange shaped opening cut through the bottom creating a hollow area on each half. One is a little bigger than the other the biggest is 7" tall.

I know it may not be an antique,but I guess it's OK to ask.

Thanks everybody !

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