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Messages - Budgie

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Info needed on cabinet
« on: June 14, 2009, 06:20:42 pm »
D&b and KC, what can I say? Many many thanks. That's fantastic.
For years I've wondered how old it is and where it originated and now I have a much better idea. I think it was passed from my father's parents to him and ultimately it will come to me when my mother passes away. I have no plans to sell it though. Sadly I don't know where or exactly when my father's parents bought it but it must have cost a few quid even then. I guess that if it was made around 1910-20 then they could well have bought it new.

I always remember a chap who came round to the house about 40 years ago cheekily offered my Dad £200 to 'take it off his hands'. Quite rightly my Dad refused!  ;)

Thanks again. If anyone else knows anything else about it then please let me know.


Antique Questions Forum / Info needed on cabinet
« on: June 14, 2009, 10:34:21 am »
Hi all

The cabinet below has been in our family for years but we still know very little about it. Would anyone here know where its from, what age/period it is and roughly what sort of value it has?

We were told some years ago that it could be French but although I've looked several times on the net, I couldn't really see anything similar to compare it to.

If anyone knows anything about it, the info would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks


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