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Messages - nj31james

Pages: [1]

Thanks for your help! I think this website is fantastic, fascinating, and obviously the "veterans" are very informative.

I was wondering what type of wood it is made of, and tried finding out more on the web based on the maker, with no luck so far  -  any suggestions / help would be appreciated...
I was also hoping to restore the hardware on the front, and thought I was in a good forum to ask... I think its brass, but I'm not ready to swear to it.

thanks again,
Jim and Grace

I thought I should add a few images to make deciphering a little easier...

thanks again!

Jim and Grace

Hi to all,

I am new to this forum, and I'm writing to find out a little more about a piece of furniture I purchased a few years ago in New hope, Pennsylvania at a retail antique store. 

It was sold to me as an antique, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything.  The mirror looks aged, small signs of wear and tear, older looking hardware, I am guessing this piece was not recently made... but I know people make reproductions all the time...

I have attached a picture of a sticker that looks to be the manufacturer's company name, and I'm hoping someone might recognize and be able to fill in the missing letters. It was located inside the top drawer, right side.

The pictures make it harder to see, but there is a smaller drawer just underneath the mirror.

I was also hoping to find out roughly the date of the piece and find out as much as possible, so I attached some general photo's as well. Is there a name for this type of dresser design ?

thanks for your help,
Jim and Grace

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