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Messages - glew05

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / james kent ye ole foley ware
« on: July 05, 2009, 10:06:41 pm »
Looking for any information on a set of dishes I have.  James Kent Ye Ole Foley Ware in stamped on the bottom.  Brown or maybe it is called rose color, farm setting on front.  

Do not have a picture at this time.  The marking is a round circle with a crown on top.  Across the top of the circle is written J Kent, across the middle Fenton, and on the bottom England.  Below the circle is written Ye Olde Foley Ware. 

History of what I know is that the dishes belong to the lady who introduces my grandparents many, many, many years ago.  They meet in Canada but returned to Wales to wed.  The lady was also from Wales. 

Thank you to anyone who can help me.  Have had these dishes a long time.  Have searched forever for information with no answers. 

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