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Messages - recreel

Pages: [1] 2
Even though my grandmothers print was old and in "bad" shape the colors are still very virbrant, especially the blue. It will bring out the romantic in you. As a child I used to stare at this picture. Of course that was only when we were actually allowed to go into my grandmothers formal living room. It was off limits except at Christmas and Thanksgiving.
I am going to keep looking. Like everything else, my curiosity is peeked by the fact that I can't find it anywhere ???

The one regularjoe referenced is the one I keep finding the most. Of course the cherubs are more popular than I thought. I will try to get over to my dad's and take a picture of the one I have. I will also ask him if he remembers how long she had it and where she might have gotten it from. Outside of the one on e-bay, I have not been able to find it anywhere else. Seems to be the story with my "antiques".  :) Thanks everyone.   

Antique Questions Forum / Old print or just a common reproduction?
« on: July 21, 2009, 02:08:24 pm »
My grandmother had a picture hanging over her fireplace for as long as I could remember. I know that she had it way before I was born. I took it about 10 years ago and had it customed framed because it was in much need of repair. the paper was deteriorating so bad that some of the edges just crumbled with handling. I never could see the artist name- think it was on an edge that was missing.
Anyway, I have always been curious about the picture. I found it on e-bay-(picture attached) but the measurements are way off. My picture is very long at least 48 inches long if not more and about 20 to 28 inches wide. The picture attached measures only 16 by 20. the saler has it listed as "The Victorian Lady Asleep with Cherubs in a Dream". Somehow I don't think that is the actual title of the picture and it doesn't reference the artists name.
has anyone seen this pix before? After researching it is obvious that this was a popular subject for paintings but from what time era and where is the original painting?   

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old trunk.Is it worth restoring?
« on: July 21, 2009, 07:22:26 am »
I have an old trunk. Not as nice as this one. It belonged to by great grandmother. I replaced the leather  handles by purchasing leather from the Co-op. I don't know if you have one of those where you are at but it is like a farmer/rancher's store. I was able to buy leather that was dark and distressed. It worked perfectly.   

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 15, 2009, 03:56:55 pm »
You know I think that is what scares me alot. Most of what I have are sentimental pieces that belonged to our grandmothers. Doesn't really matter what those things are worth but I am really attracted to the white milk glass, mostly hobnail and I am leaning towards it not having to be Fenton all of the time but at the same time I don't want to buy something that was produced last year thinking it is vintage. The vintage part is also appealing to me. Knowing something is old, wondering who used it and what did it mean to them. Maybe my imagination shouldn't get involved but it makes it interesting anyway.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:25:19 pm »
You know that I found several pieces of majolica on e-bay that looked very similar in style of flowers and the color of yellow but again none had JAPAN on the bottom and there was some distinct differences that I mentioned before.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 14, 2009, 12:34:26 pm »
That's good enough for me. Thanks everyone.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 14, 2009, 12:27:28 pm »
Thanks D & B. It is really nice in my kitchen if you take the dust away:)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 14, 2009, 11:45:23 am »
Here you go.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 14, 2009, 10:23:25 am »
I am trying to get in touch with a group called the Majolica International Society. I haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail yet. I have looked on their sight and there is nothing about Majolica being produced in Japan plus I noticed on e-bay that the bottoms are mostly glazed where mine has the rim unglazed and no color.
I don't know if I am intrigued at this point or frustrated. My curiosity is getting the better of me. I just found that alot of my "old" flower vases are actually collectibles- e.o. brody? I remember getting rid of alot of vases when I was in High School.
Thanks for your comments.

I am not sure how this works. No one has commented lately and I don't know if that means everyone is stumped as I am or if there is no interest. I am continuing to look on line with no success. Maybe the fact that it can't be found anywhere means that it just isn't anything at all. That is OK too. It has sentimental value, Jeff's grandmother was a wonderful person.
thanks to those who did look.   

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:24:35 pm »
I looked on e-bay at the Majolica pottery and saw some pieces that looked similar but my marking on the bottom is Japan. I don't think they are the same do you?

Antique Questions Forum / recommended books
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:02:57 pm »
Can someone tell me which books you recommend that has the best and useful info for depression glass and fenton? I really would like something that also teaches how to tell which are "old" and which are reproductions, what year's companies started marking their glass etc. 
Example: I have a white hobnail star patterned creamer and sugar that is supposed to be Fenton. I found similar items on line that match mine but there's is marked Fenton at the bottom and mine is not. I know that Fenton didn't start marking their glassware until 1970 or '72 so does this mean mine is before that or is mine something else?   

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 12, 2009, 12:51:22 pm »
Please be patient. The only way I could get pics on here was as attachments. Hope you can open them.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown pottery marked Japan
« on: July 11, 2009, 07:20:13 pm »
Thanks. I will work on getting some photos on here.

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