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Messages - subourbonite

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / New to antiques, can't find ID for china
« on: July 26, 2009, 04:24:13 pm »
Hi all, I am not an antique expert; my wife recently found a plate she'd been given by her aunt years ago, and I'm curious to try and track down its history.

The piece is a simple plate with a bird carrying a swastika at the top, with the initials "LW" in the center.  On the back it says "Hutschenreuther Selb", followed by a lion and the initials "LHS".  Beneath this it says "Bavaria, Germany" and "24 1/2".

I did some research on the company and tracked down the basic history of LHS, but I'm very curious and confused by the bird and swastika on the front - I have no idea where my wife's aunt could have even found something like this.  I can post a photo if it would help.

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