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Antique Questions Forum / Re: charm with pic inside - does this have a name?
« on: September 06, 2009, 02:07:04 am »
And thanks to fancypants too.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: charm with pic inside - does this have a name?
« on: September 06, 2009, 02:03:11 am »
Wow, thanks Wendy!  I'm sure that will help a lot.  Stanhope pig.  To be frank even if it were worth a thousand pounds I couldn't be more cross with myself for losing it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: charm with pic inside - does this have a name?
« on: September 05, 2009, 06:27:59 am »
Hello Wendy.

Lands End as in the most Westerly place in England.  Rocks and a signpost.  It was either a very good line drawing or from a photograph, I forget which.  An old image.  I bought the pig with some pocket money more than twenty years ago at an antiques fair, so it would only have cost a pound or so - five at the very most.  It appeared to be a tourist souvenir. 

It was the length of a thumbnail and probably for a charm bracelet or chain.  Nice browny-red colour and the texture of bakelite, but possibly it was a later plastic.  It was moulded in one piece though - no seams.  I'd never seen anything like it and thought it was pretty magical - no idea where it went.  I turned the loft upside down but no trace. 

It wasn't reverse carved, having had a quick google.  I suspect it was moulded with a hole in the middle and the cylinder with the image trapped in the middle was slotted in.  Perhaps the cylinder was made of glass.

I miss that pig.  Silly, I know.

Antique Questions Forum / charm with pic inside - does this have a name?
« on: September 05, 2009, 02:24:04 am »
Thanks for taking the time to read this.  As will be abundantly clear I am not in possession of any antiques expertise.  I lost an item of sentimental value when I was a child and hope that if I can get more information I might be able to track down another. 

The item was a charm of a little bakelite pig with tiny, clear cyclinder through the belly that when you held up to the eye revealed an image of Lands End.  Hopefully if it was mass produced for tourists another might be out there.

The question I am hoping you can help with is whether there is a technical term for items which hold little pictures like that etc?

Thank you

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