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Messages - Randell

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Bump just to get attention.   ::)

Still looking for the same answers although I think I am getting closer. 

I have been studying the sig or mark but a clearer image I cannot supply.  It is small and I believe that it's meant to be seen with the naked eye.  It appears to have been made by the smallest engraving tool the artist had at the time.  I was hoping that a direct interpretation could be made off of the art on the bell and the vague outline of the mark.  I understand the difficulty when reading chinese traditional and japanese.  If all lines are not very distinct then its a bear, but to a familiar eye maybe someone could say " It could mean this", or "it looks like such and such".

My gut feeling tells me "for what thats worth" is that this piece was hand made.  Molded, poured then inscribed.  I think that the battle depicted on it refers to an important battle and that its not just for decoration.  Why else would someone take the time required to make such an impressive piece.  That's my impression but hey, who knows.  Also it has a very clear and long lasting ring when struck.

It seems I have a nack for finding unidentifiable items.  I was the guy who found this metal detecting....

I have shown this to everyone I possibly can, even experts that teach in big universities.  No luck with it either lol.

Thanks for the input!  :P You wouldnt happen to know who I might be able to contact to find out what the inscription says would ya?

I was trying to find out info on the head dress but I couldn't.  I thought the ming period referred to China.  I will read some more  ;).  Thanks for the replies D&b, would you happen to know its approximate age?

I would suggest, it's Japanese Buddist.

Why would you say that?  I have been studying the images carved into the bell.  The weapons look like Chinese broad swords (Dao), and I think that the bearded man is holding a Chinese pole arm (Guan Dao).  I have been researching this bell everyday since I found that mark on it.  I am obsessed,....HA!! 

This image is supposedly the first general to ever wield this pole arm into battle. 

Here is a refined image of the mark I found.

This is the other side.  Cut and paste deficient here   ???

I bought this bell shaped gong back in 02 off of ebay.  I remember that in the description it said "blank passed away and they found this in a box",  it was part of a estate sale.   I don't know or remember why but I got the impression it was a big estate sale in Texas.  I just thought it was  a cheap tourist copy or something because I never found any marks on it.  Couple weeks ago I decided to clean it with some brasso and bam theirs a mark underneath the hanger.  Give it a look and tell me what ya think please.  I have no ideal where to look for info on this.

Sorry but these two images of the mark are the best I could get.  Thanks for any info!!!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Colonial Pennsylvania Antique
« on: October 13, 2009, 05:43:34 am »
Bump ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Colonial Pennsylvania Antique
« on: October 03, 2009, 06:13:29 pm »
Thanks for your input.  I sent pictures to a colonial American expert and it has him stumped also.   The back is actually smoother then it appears from the image.  I scanned it and one of the negative effects to the picture is that, if the picture is not flush with the scanner window then it gets blurry.  There are some dents in the back of it that look or give me the sense when I look at them  to be hammer dents.  I have been doing allot of study and all indication is that its a stamp.  The only thing I can hope is to eventually find something that was stamped with this mark.

The figure is wearing clothing and he is sitting on the post.  If you look at his hands they are holding his balance.  There sadly is a lot of detail missing because of the scanned image.  Thanks again all and I will post any info I get.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Colonial Pennsylvania Antique
« on: October 01, 2009, 05:20:24 am »
It's 1 3/4" across by approx 1/2 " think.  It's solid brass or bronze and also the front rim or border is flush with the figure.  That indicates its a stamp/die/mark of some sort.  The local castle is of no help.  I dug it in Brownsville Pa, near the Nemacolon Castle that was known as Fort Burd in the 1700's.  Since it is on the mon river many people passed through there on their journey west.  The castle is of no help because its basically only a tour site and used for spooky tours during the Halloween season.  Any help is much appreciated and I will keep you guys informed if I find out anything.

Antique Questions Forum / Colonial Pennsylvania Antique
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:40:35 pm »
I need help with this item.  I found it metal detecting about 2 years ago in Pennsylvania.  There is a fort from the French and Indian War near by.  Its brass or bronze.  about the size of a fifty cent piece.  Also the back is pitted but from the people  that I showed it too, they say it looks like it might be a die or a stamp for glass or leather.  Any help would be much appreciated.  The image is from a scanner and it doesnt really show the detail very well.

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