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Messages - Honda4life588

Pages: [1]
hey roger can you please send me pics of your mother cabinet if you could get the chance i want to compare them see if they are exactly the same thing, i would like to find someone that has the exact one but no luck so far

Shes for sale if anyone is interested, taking bo

thats from when we moved it in our house its in a darker no window area lol

thank you i appriciate it, any idea on what it might be worth?

I need any help whatsoever about this peice i know that it dates back to the late 1800- early 1900's It has Mirrored backround, glass shelf, wide hand carved trim up top curved glass on the sides, and for the door a double bowed glass, Lions head carved in the pillars and carved lions feet, just wondering what its all worth, and some info about it

also i have this old "library desk" ( iguess its called) with a big mirror, also on my photobucket

heres my photobucket

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