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Messages - gjwinston

Pages: [1]
Thank you all for your insight and expertise....

Two more pix.  Maybe these will help.  Thanks in advance for your feedback... 

would it help if I took a pic or two of the bowl itself?

Hi All...

I'm hoping this is the right forum for this type of question...  If not, I apologize...  Reader's digest version:  I have what appears to be a porcelain cherub bowl.  I got it from my father when mom got sick and he "downsized" his home.  I believe he got it many years ago from his parents, who collected antiques.  I tried to take a photo of the logo on the bottom of the bowl (attempted to attach to this post), but it's a little fuzzy.  I was hoping someone here might be able to identify.  I'm not looking for age/value, etc.  I'm just curious who made the bowl (for now).  Thanks in advance for any info anyone can provide...  happy saturday!  - gw

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