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Messages - P Robert

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the replies!

I am not really trying to increase the value, I am just worried about the bottom falling through, and the joints act as though the glue vanished.

I just want to keep using it, the bottom of the seat looks like burlap straps and they are stretched out.
And when you rock in it, some of the joint come loose and then slide back together.

I guess I should have phrased the question differently. I don't want is refinished, I think it looks great the way it is. Like Dean said "good honest wear".

I just want to make sure it can last another hundred years.

My grandfather used to tell me he remembers that chair being in his dads office when he was little (his father was a warden at a prison in Minnesota) and he remembers being able to put his fingers behind the lions teeth.

Hello everyone, my name is Patrick, I am a 29 year old welder from Wisconsin.  I have been going through some old family things trying to find out more about them, but one thing I always overlooked was this chair that I have.

I am pretty sure it is at least 100 years old, but I can't find a picture of anything that look even remotely like this.

I'm trying to figure somethings out, and I am starting right here. My biggest questions are:

1) What is a chair like this called?

2) Who made it?

3) Is it ok to have something like this restored? I really would like to use it more, but I am afraid of
    damaging it.

I took these pictures, and in addition to the pictures I can tell you there are no markings whatsoever
on the bottom, I thought there would be a brand name, or a persons name at least.

Any help answering these questions is greatly appreciated, I'll buy you a cheeseburger next time you're near Milwaukee

Thanks,   Patrick

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