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Messages - kateb14

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OK folks, I understand what eclectic taste , but the facts are that this is a lovely solid piece of furniture but firstly I don't like it and secondly I really do no have room for it.  There are lots of people who have items large and small in their homes because they belonged to someone else, pieces that they endure for the wrong reasons.  If I liked this piece and I had room for it then we would not be having this discussion!

whoah, didn't realise you could get antique modular furniture!!

Yes, the top section with the glazing is one part and the bottom section is in two pieces, top two small drawers and first large drawer and then the bottom two drawers.  Inherited from Grandmother but no idea what she used it for or where she got it so, totally in dark. Any idea what it might be made of or how old?

Antique Questions Forum / anyone any idea what this piece of furniture is?
« on: November 17, 2009, 07:59:40 am »
I have inherited this piece of furniture but I have no idea what it is.  It is a sort of dresser, dark wood of some sort, splits into three pieces, has original glazing by look of it.  It is a lovely solid piece but it doesn't "go" with my house which is more modern so I want to sell it but advertising it as a dresser of some sort is not helpful so I need a bit more information from someone more knowledgeable.  Any help re what it is, possible material, value, age etc would be gratefully received.

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