I am pretty sure this is Antique.
I have a Hampden Watch & Some kind of chain (it says: Marathon on it). I took it to a local Jewelry store and they were no help at all. Of course they probably would have answered more if I would have paid lots of $$$. I do know that the chain type piece is a gold filled piece. The hampden watch says inside: 3428487 - I believe that is a serial number. The watch is a 15 Jewel watch. The jeweler only told me it is not real valuable and there are millions out there. He said he hoped we didn't pay too much for it. I told him $18.00 for the set (it was in the estate auction). He said you did good, you did real good then. Yet he would not tell me how much it would be worth. I was thinking it might not be valuable to him, but it could be to me, even at a hundred dollars, my husband and I think that would be good, ha ha.
Here are photos (sorry about the quality of the photos):
Thank you all so much again! After my brain surgery, my concentration level has gone down quite a bit (and my comprehension level, etc...). It is a year recovery for the type I had and it could be up to 4 years or more before I see improvements. So for now, if I mess up or sound dumb, I apologize.
I try to make light of my situation.