Fine ideas , all IMO , talesof (& everybody else) .
Kinda makes me think of a very early post from you (talesof) with the sheep image & the 'how do you like me now' caption
I was an admin on a discussion board in the 90's (boy , things have changed since then) where we'd inserted a clause in the T.O.U. that pledged to be 'civil' with the penalty of gettin' tossed out on the ear , should one choose to not "recant/reform/repent/quit it" (etc) .
Glad you've posted about the potent issue & I'll try to do my best to not put on the Grumpy Boots (when posting , anyways) !
Sugar beats vinegar (although they can be mixed to be more 'interesting' to the palate) , even with those folks who are having tilted halos ... or flies !