Just found this for patent searches:
All patent numbers must be seven characters in length, excluding commas, which are optional. Examples:
Utility -- 5,146,634 6923014 0000001
Design -- D339,456 D321987 D000152
Plant -- PP08,901 PP07514 PP00003
Reissue -- RE35,312 RE12345 RE00007
Defensive Publication -- T109,201 T855019 T100001
Statutory Invention Registration -- H001,523 H001234 H000001
Re-examination -- RX29,194 RE29183 RE00125
Additional Improvement -- AI00,002 AI000318 AI00007
I put a "d" in front of the ashtray number and it popped up. (without the "d" a completely different item has the same number)
Thanks for the help guys!