Author Topic: Help needed - old bed? Type?  (Read 4833 times)


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2014, 03:12:46 am »
You will not find beds of any kind associated with covered wagons !!

Now I'se remember a hundert years ago, more or less, hearing the Wagon train Master in a "Westward Ho" movie tell an immigrant family ......

"Throw all of those tables, chairs n' beds outta that wagon, you can make yourself new ones when ya get there".  ;D ;D

A bed for a "Westward Ho" wagon is akin to a Salesman's Sample spinning wheel.


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2014, 08:58:13 am »
Yes,, weight would have been a major factor back then !! If this was in a wagon,,its more likely to have been in a shepards wagon or the gypsy wagons of that time !!
Are you by any chance in the midwest states ??


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2014, 09:56:24 am »
I have nothing to add, other than sometimes we regard the covered wagon as a distant piece of history, when in reality we may only be a generation removed from their use. My Mother was born and raised in a sod house, and related stories of growing up to the point where I can easily relive them through her eyes. ;)

..."Old Belle and Fly, our faithful team of horses were standing in the corral, when their ears twitched and they turned their big heads towards the East. Within a minute you could hear the dogs...shortly, a dozen or more came charging and barking over the East hill. Next, came one covered wagon, followed closely by another, both pulled by horses that looked near exhaustion.

I ran to the house, yelling “The Mackey's are coming...the Mackey's are coming”! Yes, the Mackey's were here. After announcing themselves by letter months before, they were here, with six hungry kids, as many horses, and a pack of starving hound dogs. With no money, no food, and no housing, the Mackey’s were here, setting up camp down by the creek"...


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2014, 10:54:24 am »
You are right Rauville !! But one thing I can say,, should that day come in my lifetime,,I have the skills to feed and support myself & family well !!  May just take a little longer to get to town !!


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2014, 01:03:14 pm »
I think it is a crib from the mid 19th century that was made by a man for his children a they passed the cradle age. I am not buying the wagon story. The piece has a headboard and all the wear in in the right places. I love the old paint and if I owned it I would re-purpose it to hold firewood on the porch. That is if I had a porch, which I don't.
Here is a French version which is the only image I could find.


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2014, 06:58:38 am »
Yeah, I am going with frogpatch on this one, no way would a bed be a normal load for a wagon going west on a 5-6 month journey, every pound was precious and not likely to be wasted on such things.


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2014, 09:05:18 am »
Thanks everyone for your inputs and expertise. Without knowing the original owner it's tough to get the story behind things.


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2014, 10:20:10 am »
Here's an interesting excerpt from an 1848 diary of an actual pioneer:

“Monday, April 9th, 1848.  I am the first one up; breakfast is over; our wagon is backed up to the steps; we will load at the hind end and shove the things in front.  The first thing is a big box that will just fit in the wagon bed.  That will have the bacon, salt and various other things; then it will be covered with a cover made of light boards nailed on two pieces of inch plank about 3 inches wide.  This will serve us for a table, there is a hole in each corner and we have sticks sharpened at one end so they will stick in the ground; then we put the box cover on, slip the legs in the holes and we have a nice table, then when it is on the box George will sit on it and let his feet hang over and drive the team.  It is just as high as the wagon bed.  Now we will put in the old chest that is packed with our clothes and things we will want to wear and use on the way.  The till is the medicine chest ; then there will be cleats fastened to the bottom of the wagon bed to keep things from slipping out of place.  Now there is a vacant clear across that will be large enough to set a chair; will set it with the back against the side of wagon bed; there I will ride.  On the other side will be a vacancy where little Jessie can play.  He has a few toys and some marbles and some sticks for whip stocks, some blocks for oxen and I tie a string on the stick and he uses my work basket for a covered wagon and plays going to Oregon.....The next thing is a box as high as the chest that is packed with a few dishes and things we wont need till we get thru.  And now we will put in the long sacks of flour and other things.  The sacks are made of home made linen and will hold 125 pounds; 4 sacks of flour and one of corn meal.  Now comes the groceries.  We will make a wall of smaller sacks stood on end; dried apples and pleaches, beans, rice, sugar and coffee, the latter being in a green state.  We will brown it in the skillet as we use it.  Everything must be put in strong bags; no paper wrappings for the trip.  There is a corner left for the wash tub and the lunch basket will just fit in the tub.  The dishes we want to use will all be in the basket.  I am going to start with good earthen dishes and if they get broken have tin ones to take their place.  I have made 4 nice little table cloths so am going to live just like I was at home.  Now we will fill the other corner with pick-ups.  The iron-ware that I will want to use every day will go in a box on the hind end of the wagon like a feed box.  Now we are all loaded but the bed.....I will level up the sacks with some extra bedding, then there is a side of sole leather that will go on first, then two comforts and we have a good enough bed for anyone to sleep on.”
“Tuesday, April 10, 1848.........Now for the bed (feather); nicely folded the two ends together, lay it on the sacks, then I fix it.  The covers are folded and the pillows laid smoothly on, reserving one for the outside so if I or the little boy get sleepy we have a good place to lie; the others are covered with a heavy blanket and now my chair and the churn and we will be all done.”
“Our wagon is ready to start; I get in the wagon and in my chair busy with some unfinished work......Uncle John Starr(‘s) two (wagons) are the last so they will be behind today.  We will take them in after we get a mile on the road at their place.  Now we roll out.  Father B(elknap) is on the lead on old Nelly."


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Re: Help needed - old bed? Type?
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2014, 11:34:41 am »
That was a good read !! I admit I wondered how they would pack for a months long trip !!  I just couldn`t see a bed as part of it !!