White King/Mission Bell was made by Los Angeles Soap Company.
"John A Forthmann, a German immigrant, started a homemade soap company in Los Angeles in 1860. Originally his soap was rendered from animal fat but when floating Ivory soap was marketed nationally by Proctor & Gamble in 1907, Forthmann developed his own vegetable-oil-based floating soap.
White King Granulated Soap can be used for your finest fabrics, hosiery and lingerie made form the purest vegetable oils. Mission Bell Soap for your complexion! The most delicate complexions are refreshed and cleaned with this mild soap.
As a regional private label producer, the Los Angeles Soap Company, whose White King label had become a California household staple for more than a century, could no longer compete on a global basis due to intense competition and thus, announced it closure in 1987. White King/Mission Bell...Regional Brand? - Streetcar Advertising History
http://cld.bz/32hkiua#70So, it says it closed - didn't say it was bought out by P&G! Are you in California?
In fact, here is a more detailed history (in the LA DOWNTOWN NEWS) of the company and how MANY factors resulted in it's closing...not just what was stated in the article above: