Author Topic: do you know about old pictures and frames?  (Read 852 times)


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do you know about old pictures and frames?
« on: September 24, 2006, 06:20:41 pm »
Does anyone know about old pictures and framing? I have some old pictures from a deceased relative.

The prints are all held in by old wood timber? Is this normal or just something this person did?

I took one apart and it had newspaper from 1906 in the back and there is a picture on a mat..but it seem to be a picture on paper and it is in color and says copyright 1905 tommiseen ? sister, chicago...and it says it is Miss Huntley but that is only handwritten on the back.

The frame is metal.. Does anyone know if this is how they did things then?



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do you know about old pictures and frames?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 06:26:01 am »
yes it was common to support large frames with wooden cross struts, as for the old newspaper - yes i've often seen it as lining for pictures in old frames ...
however i've seen it much more often used stuck on the back of frames with 'fake' pictures in them, eg modern prints put in an old frame with some genuine old newspare stuck accross the back to make it look old!!

old newspaper is common and cheap!

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