Author Topic: Addicted to ebay? 12 steps recovery!  (Read 2945 times)


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Addicted to ebay? 12 steps recovery!
« on: February 24, 2008, 10:16:03 pm »
Step one: Step away from your computer!

Step Two: Take a deep breathe!

Step Three: Add up your fee costs and your hours (you're worth at least minimum wage, aren't you?) for the year and divide by 12

Step four: Look into all the excellent free hosts and page-designing programs that did not exist back when ebay got started

Step Five: Discover that building your own sales page is even less complicated than listing in ebay's system.

Step Six: Take what you were investing in ebay and start investing in your SELF!

Step Seven: Keep it simple, change only one page per month

 Step Eight: Work at it steady and build basic search

Step Nine: Give people the key words in print ads to lead them to your listings

Step Ten: Ignore the critics

Step Eleven: Delete the neggies

Step Twelve: Embrace your computer!


I was not willing to give up my addiction to ebay until I had to face the fact that ebay always manipulates sellers by promoting harassment so that ebay can essentially cannibalize the layer of sellers who start to move in a profitable direction.

There is an embedded culture of lies and deceit in ebay and eventually an honest seller will run afoul of those who thrive in that deceitful, hostile culture.

finally I did it: I started building my own store completely separate from ebay and even added its own forum, and now mostly I just feel embarrassed that I did not do this sooner! is my home page and you can see how much work I still have to do. I set up the forum so that anybody can post in it and I encourage you to post links to your listings in ebay or in new sites.

ebay's strongest point has always been the tremendous traffic it has generated through its' mass advertising but it may be losing that edge because of the negative publicity it is now getting, and it is not looking out for good sellers, it is only looking out for people who know how to play a very deceitful game in its boards.

It will take a long time for independent sellers to build traffic comparable o ebay's, but as long as we work and link together, we can probably do a pretty good job.