Author Topic: Whats the best time to end a auction??  (Read 3543 times)

Dean Perdue

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Whats the best time to end a auction??
« on: September 11, 2009, 10:18:03 pm »
Any opinions on when is the best day and time to end a Ebay auction for the best bidding results?
I asked this to ebay directly and they said it was a good question but had no information on it, which I thought was a little hard to beleive.
What's your thoughts on this and do you think it even matters?


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Re: Whats the best time to end a auction??
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 10:27:09 pm »
    When I was doing Ebay, I found that the weekend is generally better, many just watch the ending first, most people seem to do that when they have time.  Keep in mind of course where you are located as the best time, i.e.  I live on the west coast, 8 pm here is beyond bed time for most on the east, but 6 P.M here is great time, based on weekend evening time those here in the west are just starting to surf and those on the east is just ending their surf.  Watch during the weekdays and mostly are 99 Cent overseas stuff, but on the weekend wow all kinds of stuff ending, hard to keep on top of ending items.   This is just what I saw, of course I only sold about 150 items on ebay and got 104 feedbacks  :-\.   I'm about to begin again cause I feel the time for selling is coming close.  Seasonal surfers are going to be looking in a month or two.  This is just my plan so far, this will be my second time of doing this kind of run so we will see if my theory is right or wrong. 


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Re: Whats the best time to end a auction??
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2009, 11:23:06 pm »
You've asked a question that many would like to know , Dean .

I use certain data , even with high-end items , and I think it does matter !

In general , my experience leads me to suggest considering the following :

Lower-end items ...let's say $50.00 - $500.00 can be ones that folks who have to watch their money pretty close might buy .
Be mindful of considerations like household expenses (rent , morgage , and other monthly payments due) around the 1st & 15th of each month ; tax-time (& refund-time) , and paydays .

Higher end items , say $1000 - $10,000 are ones that I think about fiscal year stuff , quarterly taxes , dividend payment schedules , seasonal buying & etc . - sometimes these items can be attractive to 'the big boys & girls' , or the ones willing to use their credit lines to buy .

High-end items (to me , anyway) of over $10k ... timing matters to some pro buyers if international auctions are up-coming & the item would be a good 'hit' for them to sell at those auctions , for their business or customers .

I've only sold a few high-end items through eBay and found it much more hassle than private or pro auction service selling .

Ironlords input is valid , too .

Through the years , I've grown to think of selling antiques as more of an art , not a science .
I just keep it honest & do plenty of research .
" Methinks me the 'mental' in sentimental .... "

Dean Perdue

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Re: Whats the best time to end a auction??
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 11:54:31 pm »
Thanks for the great takes on timming a auction.
Really good points that I never even considered.
Valuable and useful stuff! Appreciate you sharing these.


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Re: Whats the best time to end a auction??
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2009, 09:41:21 am »
Yea my suggestions work only for the Lower then low end items under $50.00  ;D.  99.9% of my stuff can be classed under $25.00  ;)