Welcome to the forum , pitchblackchevy .
Back in the old-timey-time , we used to call these type of scales 'trade scales' ; they were intended for more or less 'stationary' business .
By stationary I mean that they'd sit in one place (not for 'farmers' market/transient' type of business) .
The face of the pre-digital age scale increments would indicate the 'price-per-pound' (on the left side , as well as on the scale arm) , so that the operator could quickly price a quantity without doing any math .
The customer would only see the weight , on the opposite side of the scale .
The works of such scales were very durable , but could be damaged when transported - some of these types of balance scales had internal 'locking' levers (or shipping 'blocks') to prevent damage in transport .
Just like pendulum clocks , it's important to transport such items properly , so as to prevent bearing damage/disalignment/calibration .