I have been working in the photo and printing industry for years, and have seen many photo's and negitives thrown in the dumpster. I have saved many myself, and sold a few at the flea market last year, cause I had way too many and they just sat in boxes. Under most cases it is almost impossible to locate where the family is to have them returned. I still have a few boxes of processed prints and negitives from customers that never pick up there prints. In the photo industry, you will aquire lots of these items, and are required to save them for a period of 7 years I think, then they go to the dumpter. I saved several photo's and copy negitives from Art wolfe, that I was told to dispose of in the dumpster. Under contracts one is not allowed to keep these items and photos and mounted printed must be tossed. I just could not do that with these, Being Art wolfe is the modern Ansel Adams.