Looking for imformation and prices on Occupied Japan porcelain saki bowl or cups with the trade mark name: F.S.Louie-Berkeley. Our (2) saki bowls/cups have the Ho Ho Bird and Dragon design also has a border of geometric shape in colors of red,green,yellow and blue.The border in between two red circles.The size of the bowls are 2 7/8 inches X about 1 7/8 inches. We have a third bowl/cup that has two Japanese synbols on the bottom, which tells me that it is also in the occupied Japan era.It measures 3 5/8 inches X 2 inches.It is white with what looks to be trees and possibly leaves (?) painted in blue.There is a blue ring around the base.I have searched the internet until I'm blue in the face and this is all I have been able to obtain so far. Please if anyone has any clue to what I am looking for, please e-mail me..Thank you very much..JKoski