I love those old bottle dispensers. I remember my thumb and the side of my finger would be sore from gripping the edge of the bottle cap while pulling it out. And we kids would compete to see whose bottle would emit the most "smoke" when popped open.
In the 1970s, my dad had a friend who worked for the water works in Decatur, IL, and when his friend worked night shifts (and thus was alone, in charge of the area that stored energy from the dam nearby), he would take us kids and we would run around the huge ....uh I don't even know what they were -- generators? -- machines? Anyway, tucked back in a dark corner was a soda machine that only cost five cents, so Dad would give us a couple of nickels and we'd take off for hours. But I quickly figured out that the bottom hole was damaged, and would dispense my favorite (Orange Fanta) without payment. Sister and I lived high on the hog on that, until they put Tab in the slot.
To this day, I can only drink sodas straight from a glass bottle -- otherwise, I need a glass with ice. I don't know why, but I just don't like the taste of sodas from a plastic bottle or aluminum can.