Ah the biggest battle since the dawn of time. Sellers trying to get to most and Buyers trying to get the least. This has never and most likely will never change. Overall if you don't agree with the price you don't buy it. Anyway I had to pipe in a bit on this subject cause I see both sides every day not only in my Ebay adventures but even more so at work. To side with the sellers I will have to point out that there are many hidden cost in shipping that a buyer is not always aware of. I do sell lots of glass and have found myself spending upwards of 3 extra dollars just to pack a item safely on top of the $12.00 to $15.00 to ship it to the east coast. I will not use cheap newspaper or single wall card board boxes for these item, to much of a risk. I just know that even good packing tape cost and I track my cost to the pennies on a spread sheet and let me tell you it is usually at a loss, and then you get those emails from the buyer, trying to get a cheaper rate because the other guys are offer it cheaper. At work where we have to keep the cost different last year our shipping cost was $20,000.00 over what we received, we did make 5 mill that year but we daily get email complaining about shipping cost. Personnally and with all due respect we need to get over it, we complain about a $20.00 shipping charge and will spend that at Mcdonalds for a meal and not complain, on a good day I spend that in coffee, This is the 21st century and not the days when even I could remember $4.00 shipping rates but then one dollar will get you a meal too.
Now I do understand the buying aspect too, but if I don't like the price tag I walk away, just as I would at a store, nothing really has changed except $20.00 does not feel like $20.00 anymore. O.k. Sorry I had to jump on the soap box a bit, cause I get this so much and see both sides.