I have three magnifying glasses, all are stamp collector style with straight handles.
The first is silver plated, and if I were to sell it, I think I would ask $50. Does that seem like a reasonable retail price to you?
The second is a larger glass with what I think is a wooden handle. I have no clue what the value of this item might be.
And lastly, this one is my favorite. I'm pretty sure it's a bone handle with a glass that is almost identical in diameter to the first one. Again, no real idea of value.
The bottom line is that I think they are all really cool, and if it's a matter of just a few bucks then I'd just as soon keep them. I was hoping that at the very least, I could get a better lead on where to go for magnifying glasses in particular.
Thank you for taking the time to look,
Colin Rose
P.S. Offers are always welcome.