my house was built in 1880. every so often i get an urge to go "treasure hunting" in my basement and see what i can find. last time, i found some williams dentalactic tooth powder. this time i found this old shade roller and its shade. i was wondering if anyone could help me on the value of it. i did my research and couldnt find a comparable peice do it but did find a site with information on jay c wemple co. the site confirmed this shade is from the 1800s but still cant find a value. some of the very old paper is falling apart so some is missing but of what i can read, the reading on the lable is like this:
jay c. wemple co. brooklyn. new york - chicago. self acting majestic shade roller warranted to give entire satisfaction. fasten the brackets round hole to the right. be sure the roller works freely in the brackets. if the spring is too strong, take from brackets, unroll a few turns, then replace. use one oz. tacks. put the roller in the brackets with shade rolled up. if the spring is not strong enough, draw the.... thats all i can read
any help is greatly appreciated thanks!
not sure if theres even a market for this kind of stuff, but i still think its neat!