Author Topic: Bible & Mystical Thumper....  (Read 4084 times)


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Re: Bible & Mystical Thumper....
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2012, 05:42:23 am »
Some things never got a bunch of politicians in Gov.that are so detached from reality...that it beggars belief...The inner circle..or Cabinet as its called over here, from the Prime minister down...are all multi millionaires,...and in the last budget...they cut the rate of income tax for the super rich...then reduced the pensioners winter fuel allowance from £250 to £ they want to take away the free bus pass...from pensioners...but can find £12 billion, to give away in overseas aid....our fuel costs are 2nd highest in the world...gasoline per gal...has dropped a little but still stands at around $10.50, heating oil...kerosene is 67p per litre..and electricity is at an all time high...and it will rise by 17% this month...the only saving grace is ..interest rates for been at 1/2 of 1%...for a good while now...but savers rates are non existent.....all this and we are an oil producing nation....Ha.....
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Re: Bible & Mystical Thumper....
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2012, 10:54:08 am »
What good person would run! They smear your name in the dirt and you have to financially be a zillionaire! All you get are ego maniacs. They have no clue what reality is! The bankers should be in prison for treason. They destroyed our country be selling bad mortgages, lawyers for suing anyone they can to make a buck!
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Re: Bible & Mystical Thumper....
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2012, 10:28:41 pm »
I've always stood by my belief that countries should be run by 'housewives' who have raised a half dozen kids and kept a home running on one income. Those are the people who can not only make everything run on a budget, but also know when and how to say you'll get what you need and what we can afford NOT what you want or think you should have. Everyone gets their fair share, nothing more and if it's less, then they aren't the only one doing without.


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Re: Bible & Mystical Thumper....
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2012, 04:16:59 am »
You have hit the nail on the head Sapphire.....I will never understand how a politician, who is a multi millionaire...can ever be in touch with the people....they have no sense on reality....they live in the nether world...what do they know about hardship...juggling figures to make ends meet...there have been times when Avril and I have had to "steal from give to Paul"....and there,s only the two of us..I feel for those that have children to feed, and run a household..on a basic wage....When I think of the millions that are spent...on wars..that can,t be won...and then there is the politicians...who think its their right to have their snouts stuck so far into the money trough, makes me so angry...i,d better stop here as i feel a Rant coming on...... :( >:(
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 05:11:28 am by bigwull »
I make no excuses,and no apologies....but i like a good Malt,


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Re: Bible & Mystical Thumper....
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2012, 04:46:45 am »
"There is big trouble in River City" ........ and it is going to get worse, ..... not better.

The pendulum has done swung too far left off-center to ever swing back.

The politicians now know they "have a Tiger by the tail" and if they don't keep feeding it "more n' more", ...... it will turn upon them and devour them, along with everyone else that has anything that they think they deserve to be given part of.


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Re: Bible & Mystical Thumper....
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2012, 02:08:11 pm »
Middle America is suffering and no one hears. We carry the weight of the country!
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