This has sure been entertaining for sure. Yes it has several Real Signutures from some very famous Businessness men of the time. Actually I have 17 Real Signuture return letters to Babson, most seem to be signed by Secectries and etc. I looked up all 17 names I have and each has information on the web about them. Some big ones was Owen Young of General Electric, Coleman Dupont from Dupont and several more. No reply from Edison which was on his list so was Henry Ford but again no reply was marked on the list. This is also turning out to be a even more amazing stack of letters. Turns out there is also a group of letters from Frederick L. Hoffman who seems to be a part of Babson later but these letter was to various Government agencies in the subject of Safety many are from when he worked at Prudential Insurance Co. Most of these letter are dated pre WW1, but later some intresting things when he was in the Babson institute, Amoung other items is a hand written Stat cart on the injuryies and Deaths of the railroad industries dated 1898. So much in this lot, I has been quite the blast. I have included a letter to Babson that was the rudest of the replies I came accross for your enjoyment. I did email the Babson College seeking more information on this group of letters.