As a sidenote to Bigwull's re-purposing plan, I'll add a little history of my own. My Mother was born and raised in a sod house down on Rabbit Creek out on the Western Plains. She attended "Lone Tree" school, so named because it was near the only tree within miles.
Much like Scotland, the cost of conventional heating / cooking fuel was beyond the reach of the family, so an alternative had to be found. That fuel source was the easily obtained "cow chip (pie)". Proper drying was the secret, so one of my Mother's jobs as a girl was to walk the prairie during the Summer with a stick, turning over the chips so they would be evenly baked in the sun.
After being dried, they were gathered up in gunny (potato) sacks, and stored for future use. Kinda gives a new meaning to: "picking up a bag of chips".