Thanks! That is a large site. No translations yet, but I have not examined it all yet. I will go over every page if I have to. There are MULTITUDES of these under the search terms "antique brass dallah" and I even contacted an ebay seller who answered me (I sent photos) but did not know precisely when hers or mine were made. Evidently, these items have been made in the same style for a couple of centuries at least, so I may never get a precise age on mine. Could be 30. Could be 230. But whether this is modern or old, I am pretty sure it was hand made, not made by robot arms on an assembly line. Also, it is tin-lined, so ohhhhhhh yes I am going to drink from it! I am so f---ing nerdy that way.
Pardon my gushing, but I really like handworked metal, no matter where it is from. Maybe I need to get out more. LOL
Thanks again.