Author Topic: “Equal rights for me but not for thee”  (Read 1105 times)


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“Equal rights for me but not for thee”
« on: June 11, 2020, 05:14:54 am »
I think it is highly disingenuous and a purely “racist” action for the per se African Americans to claim they are FIGHTING for their “equal rights” by protesting anyone or anything associated with the Civil War/Confederacy ….. when in FACT it was the people in the southern states (Confederacy) that were also FIGHTING for their “equal rights”.

The US Civil War was not initiated because of, … nor fought over, …. the issue of Slavery.

So, …… it is a case of ……. “Equal rights for me but not for thee”.


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Re: “Equal rights for me but not for thee”
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2020, 01:12:45 pm »
I would hazard to guess that not one in 10 protestors could even tell you the years in which the Civil War as fought.

You can't change history!!! Stop taking statues down! It's what totalitarians do; it's ugly and ignorant.
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Re: “Equal rights for me but not for thee”
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2020, 06:24:53 pm »
Thats all they focus on,, the slavery issue !!  Get off it !!  Some of our ancestors came as indentured servants !!  Same thing !!  Its part of our history,, but we do not whine and cry about it 200 yeas later !!  Its what made us who we are !!  Even my grand dad was a share cropper,, years later !!


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Re: “Equal rights for me but not for thee”
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2020, 05:28:27 am »
And looting, pillaging, burning and murder was a big part of their cultural history and the keep reverting back to it when permitted,

Loot, pillage and burn your place of employment to the ground ……. and then complain you don’t have money to pay the rent because you no longer have a job. BRILLIANT acts of spoiled children .

In two-parent homes and public-school attendance is where both Black Lives and White Lives really matter. Claiming it anywhere else is just an excuse for failure


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Re: “Equal rights for me but not for thee”
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2020, 05:07:44 pm »
You got it Cogar !  Thats the problem,, blame someone else for your failure !  When I was a lot younger I couldn`t get in to the community college without a good size tuition !  But every one else did !  How did that happen if we were the entitled ones ?
A  friend had a nice brick house built through some sort of  government program !  Was it because she was black ?  She kept house for the same doctor I worked for !  I made more  than she did but I did not qualify even though I had the property to  put it on !  Don`t misunderstand,, I have black and brown friends but the government has tunnel vision !!   So glad I have financial  security now and have no reason to deal with govt people !