Author Topic: Merry Christmas everyone !!  (Read 2739 times)


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Re: Merry Christmas everyone !!
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2020, 06:28:15 pm »
Jacon4 and Ghopper  were not there when I joined !  I just found it a very argumentative site as well as rude and with poor manners !!  I  don`t mind a  civil discussion but when a person does not know me and I certainly do not know them,, please dont tell me how stupid I am !!  Maybe not in that direct language but that how it sounded !!  It was one of the top posters and a couple of women who followed like puppy dogs when he said  something,,,!!  At least here we can agree or disagree and still act like we were not raised by wolves !!  Its the southern lady in me I guess !!
But I will try again and see what happens !!